By Abe Cherian
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11 Proven Sales Strategies to Help You Close The Deal
By Abe Cherian
Copyright ? 2005
There are a number of sales closing strategies that you can
learn with different ones applied in different situations.
Each salesperson might be more comfortable with one or
another. As a business owner, you want to be certain that
you and your salespeople become exposed to a number of
different strategies so they can choose the one they prefer
depending on different situations.
First you must understand that before you can assist your
prospect in identifying the advantages of buying your
products or services, you must also instruct them of the
Then you and the prospect analyze the items on your list
and identify the strengths and advantages while overcoming
the disadvantages.
The goal here is for the advantages to outweigh the
disadvantages and close the deal.
The take it with them close- This allows the prospect to
actually take the product home or try out the product. The
idea is that once this happens, the prospect will be unable
to part with the product and must have it.
There is a story about a salesmen who sold pet dogs. The
salesman said "Here, take this home and give me a call in a
week. If you don't want it, I'll come and get it". Once
that dog was there and the young son fell in love with it,
there was no way that dog was going back.
Subject To Approval Close- This allows a salesperson to
actually close a sale, but do so subject to certain
contingencies. In other words, it's up to the salesperson
at this point to really do some work when possible to
assist the prospect in removing contingencies thereby
making the sale official. .
Take Away Close- I prefer this one. It's human nature to
want what one can't have. The salesperson says things like,
"This product isn't for everyone. It's a certain kind of
person who can appreciate this service."
The Standby Feel Close- This approach is intended to
establish empathy with your prospect's situation in an
effort to persuade them that you or a prior customer has
actually dealt with their situation.
The Order Form Close- Sometimes the prospect might need a
little encouragement and It's useful to actually take your
order form or contract and put it in ftont of your
prospect. Tell them to complete a section and you'll
complete the rest.
Never say, "Sign the contract", which has a very negative
connotation. It appears too binding and rigid to your
If they haven't heard enough reason to buy, you then say
""If We Do This, Will You Buy?" you must identify what it
will take for the prospect to break down and buy.
Presumptive Close- Under this method you actually go on the
assumption or presumption that the prospect has already
decided to buy. You might talk about how a prospect will
enjoy the product or service or how the benefits might be
When the prospect gets in the habit of talking, feeling and
thinking like they already have the item, the sale is
almost all but completed.
Informational Close- If your products or services is such
that your prospect needs more information in order to make
up their mind, then the more relevant information you can
share the more likely the prospect is to buy.
Overcoming Objectives Close- You can identify the
prospect's specific objections to buying and focus on ways
to overcome those objections. As you successfully
accomplish this task, the close will follow right
Instructional Close- If the close requires the buyer to
know how to use your products or services, it is critical
that you provide detailed instructions where applicable.
Directive Close- This is when you actually talk to your
prospect and tell them exactly what to do. Direct Them to
go over and sign up. They will respond by buying when told
to do so. It's one of the easiest ways to make a sale.
Exclusive Close- You indicate in all the marketing you do
that your products or services are very exclusive. Lock the
doors and only allow customers and referrals to enter. Soon
you'll find they want it because everyone wants in.
Whatever the strategies you and your employees learn and
implement, all awareness that sales strategies are
available is essential to go a long way in your business
sales efforts.
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